Friday, November 02, 2018

AYRSHIRE GOLF ASSOCIATION - Affiliation fee notices and competition entry forms sent to clubs.

Affiliation fee notices and entry forms for extended competitions have been sent by email to all member clubs on Thursday 1st November.

As agreed at the recent AGM, the Ayrshire Golf Association per capita remained unchanged at £2.60 for the forthcoming year and will be payable by meber clubs by 31st March 2019 at the latest.

The entry forms for the undernoted extended competitions have also been distributed and all entries must be in the hands of The Area Secretary by 31st January 2019.

The competitions for which entry forms have been sent are:-

The Champion Of Champions Trophy

The Ayrshire Fourball Championship

The Ayrshire handicap League Championship

The Ayrshire Scratch Leagues

The handicap club team knockout competition for The President's Putter

The scratch club team knockout competition for The Gary Bryden Memorial Salver.

If any club secretary has not received the email and forms, they should contact the Ayrshire Golf association Secretary.